The procedure of mounting/changing the sample depends on the type of experiment performed ID4B.

Single-crystal mounts

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  • Step 1 : You need goniometer-bases

    link for the base : B5 (SPINE Style) Goniometer Bases
    SKU: GB-B5-R-20

  • Step 2 : Micromount : MiTeGen is used for micromount pin. It is composed of thin polymer tips attached to beveled non-magnetic 0.025″ (0.64 mm) diameter stainless steel rods (pins).

    Below is the link for the sample tip
    SKU: M2-L18SP-100 and the aperture Size is 100 μm.

  • Step 3 : Do not touch the tips with your hands. Always use tweezers along the pin shaft, not the tip.

  • Step 4 : Use GE vernish to glue the micromount to base

    Here is the link for Adhesive VGE -7031

  • Step 5 : Make sure you do not tunch the metal part with the sample!!

Few other accessaries to to handle small samples:

Thin-film mounts

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Sample shipment details

If you want to send the samples to CHESS, please follow the instructions here

Air sensitive samples

If coating needed, one of the example could be this