STEP 1: If you lost fourc/SPEC terminal

  • Open terminal
  • type findspec (it will provide all the spec information)
  • If SPEC is open it will go to the SPEC terminal
  • Skip the below steps
    • Check the getPid number (you do not have to do this step)
    • type fg <getPid number> (example # fg 21192) (you do not have to do this step)
STEP 2: SPEC is still missing

If you doesn't find anythng after STEP 1 fourc/SPEC terminal

  • Talk to beamline scientist
  • If you not find the SPEC terminal, then type below command
  • kill -9 <getPid number> (example# kill -9 21192)
  • Open a new terminal
  • Type fourc
If you fourc/SPEC doesn't work
  • Open terminal
  • type quit
  • type fourc