Start the new users at the beamline

  • newmac (# uploading all the macros )
  • userslist.mac
  • cd Scripts/
  • ./ 2022-3 sarker-0000-a ( this will create file both in id4b and id4baux )
  • copy HRDMscans.mac to the specific folder
  • FOURC > qdo ./HRDMscans.mac
  • FOURC > newfile (name of newfile)
  • Change the HDRMscans.mac file with _samplename and _sampledirectory

Open the camera inside the front hutch

  • Open an terminal
  • type vimba
  • Vimba viewer will open with two cameras ( IP addresses: 1st crystal:, 2nd crystal :

Open ion chambers

  • Open an terminal
  • type show_apms 0
  • type show_apms 1
  • type show_apms 2

for FOURC opening

  • Open an terminal
  • type fourc
  • press yes if fourc ask questions to change motor values

STEP 1: If you lost fourc/SPEC terminal

  • Open terminal
  • type findspec (it will provide all the spec information)
  • Check the getPid number
  • type fg <getPid number> (example # fg 21192)
STEP 2: Talk to beamline scientist

If you doesn't find anythng after STEP 1 fourc/SPEC terminal * If you not find the SPEC terminal, then type below command * kill -9 <getPid number> (example# kill -9 21192) * Open a new terminal * Type ‘fourc’

If you fourc/SPEC doesn't work
  • Open terminal
  • type quit
  • type fourc
If SPEC window is lost
  • Open an terminal
  • type findspec
  • If it is hidding, then type fg <PID number>

Flux Calculator

CHESS Flux calculator at the beamline

X-ray absoption edge

Check absroption edge


  • flyscan_setup
  • selecct motor using space
  • check flyscan
  • FOURC > powderscan 300 1

User HDRMScan details about the macros

Energy change

Removing mirror for higher energy calibrations


    umvr  mird  miru    
    tw tabzd    tabzui    tabzuo  
    wm diftabz
    tw tabzd    tabzui    tabzuo  
    tw tabxd


Energy calibrations


        moveE 25
        umvr mond
        matchUE 8
        lup montrav -3 3 60 0.1
        umv montrav 163.98
        wm monchi
        Tw monchi
        lup monchi -0.5 0.5 20 0.1
        plotselect ic2 diode
        Plotselect ic2
        plotselect ic2 diode
        umv monchi pl_xMAX

        tw tabzd    tabzui    tabzuo 1 1 1
        tw tabxd .05
        moveE 30.6; matchUE 8


Step I: * Cover the detector * Before energy change (> 30 keV higher to lower < 18 keV) verify counts in ic1, ic2 and diode (getE : provide you the energy) Put mostab to 5 V Optimize counts (tweakup) syncE * Then try move energy and optimize mostab: moveE 11 matchUE 3 tweakup lup montrav * Open shuttur os1 4 4 * move the whole table up tw tabzu tabx tabzui 1 1 1

  • Get values in ic1 and ic2
  • put mirror wmirror

Cryo * take out the stage * Go to chi 90 * put the new sample stage with pin (the pin should slide in the sample stage) * Put the cryostate : it will go only from one side shown in the below * there are 4 scrwes to hold that(8'32) * Config X, Y, Z (cryz, cryx, cryoy) * wm cryx cryy * check the phi and beamstop * * check cryoz wihth signal * up the resonance, so we should * tw crx .2, the crystal beam is there * restrict the phi * tw cry cetered * tw cryoy centered * ca 002 * umv tth 20.2 th 0 chi 90 * See signal * freeze phi -180 * ubr 2 -2 2 * cuts (not contunuously moving ) * phi is fixed, others are moving with ubr 2 -2 2 * FInd cryx cryy cryz (florescence) * Tw th * freeze phi -90 * ca 0 0 2 * calibration * ca 0 02 * ubr 0 0 2 * th2th -1 1 40 1 * opt2 (optimizing theta, phi and chi) * pa (got statistics) * ca 102 * ubr 1 0 2 * wh * ubr 1 0 2 * pil_voff * pil_on * check the fitter * th2th -2 2 60 1 * manually optimize * optimize theta, phi and chi * useful.mac "cryocool to simitomo " * config file : lakeshow1: kG1 * prdef measured temp * open temperature terminal : css (lakeshore controller) * File > lakeshoreopi > lakeshore1 * Lakeshore1.Kr00 (change range in the plot) * we need to remove the filter to see the magnetic peaks

Tommorw : * Turn off the lakeshore * Wait for temperature to selle in * close the vaccum * SLowly break the vaccum (remove o-ring) * Give some time to settle in * Remove 4 scews remove the sample

Detector setup


Setup :

mv pil6mx 100 mv pil6my 760

  • mv pil6mx 100 - move pilatus 6M to 100 mm x direction
  • mv pil6my 760 - move pilatus 6M to 760 mm y direction

To take the detecotor all the way end of the hutch

mv pil6mx 233 mv pil6my 885

  • mv pil6mx 233 - move pilatus 6M to 233 mm x direction
  • mv pil6my 885 - move pilatus 6M to 885 mm y direction

Change the config file

open the terminal

config configaration will open
Go to the specific motor 
change the required motor config
press w 
control c 

To go to the specific motor press c,c (twice)
shift+' to modify anything