After beam come back from long beam dump

  • Step 1: check the current
  • Step 2: After it stabilized
  • Step 3: Check the shutter
  • Step 4: Check the IC1

Image title

  • Step 5: If you have singnal, some values at IC1
  • Step 6: press 3 in stkechy_mostab
  • Step 7: Use mostab go maximum IC2
  • Step 8: Go to maximum IC1
  • Step 9: press 1 in stkechy_mostab

If we are not useing the mostab, follow the steps:

  • Step 1: check the current
  • Step 2: After it stabilized
  • Step 3: Check the shutter
  • Step 4: Check the IC1
  • Step 5: If you have little counts at IC1 follow the below steps (if not talk to the beamline scientist):

In the SPEC terminal

  • FOURC> pil_off
  • FOURC> newfile align
  • FOURC> twekaup
  • FOURC> pil_on