Welcome to SPEC macros


The code is written by Dr. Jacob Ruff based on SPEC certif.com. "spec is internationally recognized as the leading software for instrument control and data acquisition in X-ray diffraction experiments."

In ID4B, SPEC code is used along with python and C commands. ID4B beamline specific macros are shown below.

Important SPEC commands for ID4B

  • userlist.mac - Important macos needed for the users, delaied descrispotion are shown below.
    ``JRs_useful_macros.mac``          #   generate SPEC macros for beam, motor and slit positions
      plotlast.mac                     #   generate??
      undulator_macro.mac              #   undulator stability
      syncmon.mac                      #   syncronoze the system
      fmbo_filter.mac                  #   filter macros
      digio.mac                        #   diti?   
      set_and_get_rois.mac             #   set ROI channels
      multi_pilatus_v5.mac             #   detector 
      Lakeshore336cryocool.mac         #   Temperature macros
      energy_pv.mac                    #   Energy macros
      undulator_2A.mac                 #   Undulator stablibility macros

Detailed description of macros

The codes are in github repository

Detailed description of macros


1.  Define a macro vbeamscan based on passing four arrguments start, finish, interval and time parameter scans
2.  Define a macro newbeam based on passing four arrguments start, finish, interval and time parameter scans
3.  Define a macro hbeamscan based on passing four arrguments start, finish, interval and time parameter scans
4.  Define a macro monocromator position
        def wmono 'wm monu mond monoff montrav mond_x monzu monzd monxu monxd'
5.  Define a macro for mirror posiiton
        def wmirror 'wm mird miru mirbd mirbu'
6.  Define a macro for optical table
7.  Define a macro for slit position
8.  Define a macro for tweakup the monochromator d position wby scanning both mond and undulator motors
9.  Define where is 6M detectors
10. Define how to park the 6M detector