Computers : Data processing General nodes

Data Policy

Data policy

We only stored the raw data for six months and processed data for a year. Please process the data and copy it to your server. If you need more time, then consult your beamline scientist.

Image title


Want to process the data after leaving beamline?

If you need more information CHESS computing farm access

Using general nodes follow the below steps
  • Step 1 : login to ssh <username>
  • Step 2: qrsh -q interactive.q -l mem_free=350G

    Or if you need more core

  • Step 2: qrsh -q interactive.q -l mem_free=350G -pe sge_pe 20

  • Step 3: source /nfs/chess/sw/anaconda3_jpcr/bin/activate
  • Step 4: qstat
  • Step 5 : ls
  • Step 6: cd /nfs/chess/id4baux/2023-2/codebase_for_users/
  • Step 7: Follow Step II above

If you are doing stacking from general node, you need to change the permission setup

Giving permission from your own account to chess_id4b to do rest of the processing follow the below steps

  • Step 1: If you are using general cluster, then follow the steps from your account

    a) Go to the desired path b) chmod -R 777 (foldername)

STEP II : Stack data

The script take all the detector's raw .cbf files and performed calibration. You can the get the

Step 1 :  the `python` python script
Modify : 
        i) Project name : 
                        proj_name = "sarker-000-a/" (#project name)
        ii) Provide the .poni filename
                        calibfile = "/nfs/chess/id4baux/"+run_cycle+"+proj_name+"/calibration/ceria37keV.poni" 
        iii)Provide .edf filename
                        maskfile = "/nfs/chess/id4baux/"+run_cycle+"+proj_name+"/calibration/mask.edf"

Step 2 : Run python code
    python    chem_formula sample_id spec_scan_num temperature

    >>>python CoTiO3 sample 11 50

Step 3 : Check data 
    After stacking is done the processed data will be avilable in id4baux folder

You can create bash script to run the stacking

    #!  /bin/bash
    python CoTiO3 sample 11 50
    python CoTiO3 sample 12 50
    python CoTiO3 sample 13 50


STEP III: Find Bragg peaks script

Step 1: After stacking is done, take the whole stack from the id4aux data folder and run code

    python /full/path/to/stack/ 0.95

    >>> python /nfs/chess/id4baux/2022-3/sarker-0000-a/CoTiO3/sample/300/ 0.95

Would consider anything above 95% of max counts as a Bragg peak. You can change the thereshold as needed. Check the number of peaks, you find after running the code. In between 200-3000 is a good number.


STEP IV: Solve orientation matrix script

python */full/path/to/stack/ peakfilename.npy

>>>python /nfs/chess/id4baux/2022-3/sarker-0000-a/CoTiO3/sample/300/ peaklist1.npy

Please provide a space between pathname (/nfs/chess/id4baux/2022-3/sarker-0000-a/CoTiO3/sample/300/) and peaklist1.npy


STEP V: Convert stacks of data to HKL volume python script (edit to point to project, ormatrix, and define HKL grid)

Step 1: Edit the script
    i) Change the project name
                projd = "/nfs/chess/id4baux/2022-3/sarker-0000-a"
                sampldi = "/CoTiO3/sample/" 
    ii) Change the sample name:
                sampldi = "/CoTiO3/sample/" 
    iii) Change the ormatix 
                ormat = nxload(stackhklpath+"ormatrix_v1.nxs")
    iv) Define the hkl space to histogram
                H= np.arrange (-5.1, 5.1, 0.01)
                K= np.arrange (-5.1, 5.1, 0.01)
                L= np.arrange (-5.1, 5.1, 0.01)

Step 2: 
python temperature

python 50

Runnning same sample at different temperature processing

  • Step A: Do the stacking (follow STEP I above)
  • Step B: Copy the orientation matrix from processed data
  • Step C: Run STEP V


login to jupyter

To tunnel the jupyter notebook from a node to the browser on the station computer, try this:

  • 1) setup your environment and start jupyter on the node (ie lnx306 or whatever) with jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip=""
  • 2) from the station computer, open a new terminal and do ssh -N -f -L
  • 3) on the station computer, browse to localhost:8888 and enter the token as before (edited)